Key Words: Physical Strength, Vitality, Stabilization of One's Energies
Chakras: Root, Sexual/Creative
Element: Earth & Fire
Planet; Mars
Emotional: Aids in Releasing Attachment to Negative Emotional or Sexual Experiences
Spiritual: Stimulates the Root Chakra, Supports Rising of the Kundalini Energy
Keywords: Zeste for life
Chakras: Base, Root or Third Eye
Element: Fire
Planet: Mercury
Emotional: Useful when reclaiming your power and control after abuse.
Spiritual: Can be used to awaken Kundalini energy. Sacred stone to some indigenous American tribes, representing the snake spirit.
Magical: Use to help break through self-inflicted energetic barriers and to overcome fear.
Keywords: Strength, Vision, Protection
Chakras: Root
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Emotional: Perseverance and strength in the face of obstacles. Selflessness
Spiritual: Helps connect to cellular memory and instinct
Magical: Use to take back your power and protect against those who would wish you ill. It is especially useful for those who assist others.
**Product may differ from photo
Key Words: Emotional Healing, Recovery of Lost Memories and Forgotten Gifts, Self-LoveCompassion
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Element: Fire, Water
Spiritual: Profound link with Love Energy, Enhances Creativity, Brings Joy
**Photo may differ from product
Key words; Discovering and developing hidden talents, compassion, love, generosity, altruism
Chakras; Heart and Root
Element; Fire and Earth
Emotional; Encourages altruism and generosity, the joy of serving other
Spiritual; Helps realize one's unique capacities and fulfill one's destiny