Wide selection of Tumbled, Rough, shaped, clusters and more.

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Rainbow Moonstone Rough


  Write up coming soon!

Rainbow Obsidian


Key words; Recovery from emotional wounds, the deep journey through darkness into light Chakras; Root Element; Earth Emotional; Encourages optimism and hope, supports the emotional body during dark times Spiritual; Aids one in coming through the dark night of soul 

Rainforest Jasper


Key words; Earth-healing, connection with Nature, joy in life Chakras; All Element; Earth Emotional; Supports renewed hope, invigoration and energy, aids in overcoming grief or depression Spiritual; Facilitates deep connection with Nature, aids in connecting with Nature spirits and devic brings

Red Aventurine


Key words; Discernment, determination, strength, crativity, sexuality Chakras; Root and Third Eye Emotional; Aids endurance, faith and perseverance through difficulty Spiritual; Facilitates insight, artistic inspiration, manifestation of visions

Red Calcite


Write up coming soon!