Keywords: Balance in all things
Chakras: Root, Heart and Throat
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
Spiritual: Beneficial when accessing higher consciousness.
Magical: Use when doing dream work to maintain conscious control over the outcome.
Keywords: Strength, Valor
Chakras: Heart
Element: Fire
Planet: Venus
Emotional: Helps to directs anger and frustration in a positive/constructive direction.
Spiritual: Connects to the goddess Athena.
Magical: Useful in rituals to join the energies of Mars and Venus.
**Photo may differ from product
Key words; Programmable for attunement, amplification, acceleration, expanding awareness, quickening and grounding manifestation
Chakras; All
Element; Storm
Emotional; Intensifies feelings, quickens emotional catharsis, breeds optimism
Spiritual; Aids telepathy and intuition, amplifies one's power of manifestation
Magical; used an an energy stone. You can wear it during magical rituals to increase the effectiveness of your magic.
Keywords: Justice, Forward Motion
Chakras: Root
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Emotional: Suggested to help with inner and outer conflict.
Spiritual: Use to help balance male and female energies
Magical: Helpful in enhancing manifestation work. Ensure that matching energetic efforts and strong moral ethics are practiced for best results
Keywords: Justice, Forward Motion
Chakras: Root
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Emotional: Suggested to help with inner and outer conflict.
Spiritual: Use to help balance male and female energies
Magical: Helpful in enhancing manifestation work. Ensure that matching energetic efforts and strong moral ethics are practiced for best results