Author; Shani Oates This book explores historical and contemporary ideas of witchcraft through the perspective of the Clan of Tubal Cain a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream. As students of arte we mediate the ancestral stream, teaching through practice with the sacred tenets of Truth, Love and Beauty. The Word is thus manifest...
Author: Katrina Rasbold Magic for Managing All Kinds of Curses Anyone can be the target of a psychic attack, whether it's an intentional hex or an incidental crossing. This book shares effective techniques and practices for recovering from psychic attacks and protecting yourself in the future.Katrina Rasbold shares how to identify the different types of attacks by their symptoms and...
Author; Corinne Boyer Under the Bramble Arch is the second offering in a trilogy of books by Corinne Boyer following on from Under the Witching Tree, Corinne is a folk-herbalist known for her work exploring both the traditional and personal medicinal and magical applications of plants and trees which, as Corinne explains in her video introducing the trilogy, are often revealed through...
Author: Corinne Boyer Under the Dragon Root is the final offering in a trilogy by Corinne Boyer. This long awaited book brings twenty plants from the Witches’ Garden into the light, along with their accumulated folklore, folk medicine and historical magical uses, particularly from the past three hundred years out of North Western Europe, though some information is much older. This...
Author; Corinne Boyer Under the Witching Tree; is the first offering in a trilogy of books by Corinne Boyer a folk-herbalist known for her work exploring both the traditional medicinal and magical applications of plants and trees which, as Corinne explains in her video introducing the trilogy, are often revealed through their accumulated folklore. This is a trilogy that guides us into the...
Author; A.D. Mercer The Inferno of Dante Alighieri, written in the early 1300s, contains some of the most vivid imaginings of Hell and its denizens extant in Christian mysticism. Equally, its portrayal of the torture of the eternal soul marks out a visionary religious philosophy of good and evil, the nature of eternity, and divine retribution. Composed as a cautionary allegory for...