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A Modern Guide to Heathenry

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Author; Galina Krasskova In A Modern Guide to Heathenry readers will have the opportunity to explore the sacred stories of the various heathen gods like Odin, Frigga, Freya, and Thor and will be granted a look into the devotional practices of modern votaries. Blots, the most common devotional rites, are examined in rich detail with examples given for personal use....

A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru

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Author; Patricia Lafayllve From its pre-Christian beginnings to its contemporary practitioners, Heathenry has long fascinated people from every corner of the world. Written from the unique perspective of a Heathen gythja, or Godwoman, A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru shows how to bring the beliefs and traditions of this ancient faith into your life today. In this complete guide to...

Asatru - A Beginner's Guide to the Heathen Path

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Author : Erin Lale A clear and simple introduction to the history, beliefs, rituals, and gods and goddesses of this popular form of Neo-Pagan belief drawn from ancient northern European traditions. Asatru is a modern pagan tradition whose roots lie in the ancient myths, folklore, sagas, and historical artifacts of those who lived in pre-Christian times in what is now...

Baldr's Magic: The Power of Norse Shamanism and Ecstatic Trance


Author; Nicholas E. Brink A guide to using ecstatic trance to connect with your ancestors, rediscover your extrasensory powers, and reclaim the peaceful nature of humanity Illustrates ecstatic trance postures to connect with the ancient Nordic people, to journey to exact points in time, and to access powers such as seeing into our future Explains how the coming new age...

Barbarian Rites

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Author; Hans-Peter Hasenfratz, PH.D. Discover the untamed paganism of the Vikings and the Germanic tribes prior to the complete Christianization of Europe• Explores the different forms of magic practiced by these tribes, including runic magic, necromancy (death magic), soul-travel, and shape-shifting• Examines their rites of passage and initiation rituals and their most important gods, such as Odin, Loki, and Thor•...

Beowulf's Ecstatic Trance Magic: Accessing the Archaic Powers of the Universal Mind

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Author; Nicholas E Brink Use ecstatic trance to journey to the time of Beowulf and learn first hand the ancient magic of the early Nordic people • Reveals a hidden side to the epic of Beowulf through the perspective of Queen Wealhtheow • Shows how Grendel respected and would not harm Queen Wealhtheow because she practiced the ancient magic of...