Death's Head; Animal Skulls in Witchcraft & Spirit Work


Author; Blake Malliway This book represents a unique blend of folklore and hands-on Witchcraft, all centered around the use of skulls. Contained herein are the manifestations of the author�s own personal style of Witchcraft as well as methods for magically finding a skull, ways of purifying the skull, and instructions on how to imbue the skull with spirit presence for...

Defences Against the Witches Craft


Author; John Canard For centuries curses, hexes and the ‘evil eye’ were seen as part of daily life in rural England, resulting in a rich heritage of folklore & apotropaic magickal practices. Such charms as Witch Bottles, Witch Balls, Hagstones, Horseshoes and Brasses, Magick Squares, Abracadabra, Rowan and Red Thread, Flint Arrowheads and Pebble Charms were often made from readily...

Demons and Spirits of the Land: Ancestral Lore and Practices

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Author; Claude LeCouteau An exploration of the wild spirits that once roamed the lands and inhabited the waters and the pagan rites used to gain their good will • Explores medieval stories and folk traditions of brownies, fairies, giants, dragons, will-o’-the-wisps, and demons • Explains the specific rites performed to negotiate with the local spirits and ensure their permission before...

Dictionary of Ancient Magic Words and Spells: From Abraxas to Zoar


Author; Claude Lecouteux A comprehensive handbook of more than 1,000 magical words, phrases, symbols, and secret alphabets Explains the origins, derivatives, and practical usage of each word, phrase, and spell as well as how they can be combined for custom spells Based on the magical traditions of Europe, Greece, and Egypt and recently discovered one-of-a-kind grimoires from Scandinavia, France, and...

Dictionary of Demons

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Author: M. Belanger New Expanded Hardcover Edition The Dictionary of Demons is the single most comprehensive book on demons ever published in the history of Western occultism. This limited-print-run, tenth-anniversary hardcover edition includes more of the deeply researched information that made the first edition a must-have for demonologists everywhere. Within these pages you will discover more than two hundred additional demons as well...

Dictionary of Gypsy Mythology (hc)

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Author; Claude Lecouteux  A comprehensive A-to-Z reconstruction of the oral tradition of the Rom--gypsies--based on sources never before available in English • Presents the origin myths and magical traditions of the gypsies, including their legendary ties to Egypt, animal ancestors, and tree spirits • Examines the three major settings of gypsy folktales--the forest, the waters, and the mountain--and shows how their world...