Wylundt's Book of Incense


Author : Wylundt The ultimate reference book about incense!  Wylundt provides recipes - from the most basic fragrance recipes to the more complicated ritual incenses - and tells you how to make different kinds of incense including loose, cone, stick, and cylinder.  He tells you how to work with herbs, defines them, explains what part of the plant to use,...

Your Altar

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Author; Sandra Kynes In this fast-paced world of over-stimulation and distraction, keeping a private space for meditative retreat and spirituality is essential. Creating an altar using the power of numbers allows you to achieve spiritual stillness in a personal and meaningful way.The numbers one through nine each carry a profound symbolic history and significance. Harness this energy and apply it...

Yule: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Winter Solstice

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Author; Susan Pesznecker Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials series explores the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that are the cornerstones in the witch’s year. A well-rounded introduction to Yule, this attractive book features rituals, recipes, lore, and correspondences. It includes hands-on information for modern celebrations, spells and divination, recipes and crafts, invocations and prayers, and more! Yule—also known...