The Phallus


Beginning with an overview of the symbolism of creative forces in general, The Phallus first examines the representation of male fertility in such forms as the menhirs or standing stones of prehistoric Europe; the Mahalinga and Svayambhu of India; and the ancient Greek Omphalos. The second part of the book surveys the presence of ithyphallic gods in archaic shamanistic religions...

The Power of Myth

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Author: Joseph Campbell Finally available in a popularly priced,non-illustrated, smaller-format edition, which is ideal for the college market and general reader alike,this extraordinary best-seller is a brilliant evocation of the noted scholar’s teachings on mythology.

The Prose Edda


Author; Snorri Sturluson "King Gylfe was a wise man and skilled in the black art. He wondered much that the asa-folk was so mighty in knowledge, that all things went after their will. He thought to himself whether this could come from their own nature, or whether the cause must be sought for among the gods whom they worshiped. He...

The Real Witches' Coven


Author; Kate West This work aims to tell you all you you need to know about how to start and run a coven (a meeting of witches). If you've read a general introduction to the Craft and immediately want to start a coven now, then this book should be able to help.  

The Rebirth of Witchcraft

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Author; Doreen Valiente This autobiography traces the history of contemporary wicca from its shadowy roots at the turn of the century to the present day. Doreen Valiente presents details never before published, some of them very revealing and surprising, on: The leading figures in this rebirth from Gerald Gardner to Starhawk, and many others; Her own participation in rituals and...

The Red Folder


The Black folder is filled with personal communications on the mastery of Hoodoo by Catherine Yronwode. 136 Informative pages to help in the areas of working with spiritual supplies, candle work, mojo hands, bottles, conjure cookery, divination, various spells, and more. A paperback book