The Goddess and the Shaman: The Art & Science of Magical Healing

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Author; J A Kent, PhD Explore the resurgence of magical and shamanic healing in the world today. Recovering from disease, pain, and mental illness often means addressing otherworldly causes such as soul loss, soul fragmentation, or invasive spirits. Interviewing modern shamanic practitioners and sharing her own experiences as a psychotherapist and healer, author J. A. Kent, PhD, shows how ritual...

The Goddess Nut and the Wisdom of the Sky


Author; Lesley Jackson The Goddess Nut and the Wisdom of the Sky is a fascinating and in-depth study of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Nut, in her aspects as both Sky and Tree Goddess together with all that she encompasses. Lesley Jackson presents the history and myths of the Sky Goddess within the context of Ancient Egyptian culture and religion, providing considerable insights...

The Great Goddess: (Used)


Author; Jean Markale • A study of the primordial figure of the Great Goddess and her continued worship through time as shown by the myths, shrines, and sanctuaries around the world that honour this powerful symbol of creation. • A noted historian on pre-Christian societies provides an extensive worldwide listing of sites and sanctuaries associated with goddess worship. • Explores...

The Great Goddess: Reverence of the Divine Feminine from the Paleolithic to the Present

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Author; Jean Markale • A study of the primordial figure of the Great Goddess and her continued worship through time as shown by the myths, shrines, and sanctuaries around the world that honour this powerful symbol of creation. • A noted historian on pre-Christian societies provides an extensive worldwide listing of sites and sanctuaries associated with goddess worship. • Explores...

The Green Witch's Grimoire (hc)


Author; Arin Murphy-Hiscock The author of The Green Witch, Arin Murphy-Hiscock, shows you how you can create your own green witch grimoire to record your favorite spells, recipes, rituals, and more.A grimoire is essential for any witch wanting to capture and record spells, rituals, and secret ingredients. And for a green witch, a perfect place to reflect upon the power of...

The Grimoire of Lady Sheba


Lady Sheba inherited her practice of witchcraft from more than four generations of Witches. Recognizing a profound need for a new understanding of the forces of nature, she elected to publish her grimoire, a personal magickal workbook copied by hand from the time of her initiation. ―The Power: Description of the rules and requirements for     correct, effective use of...