The Druids; Celtic Priests of Nature

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Author; Jean Markale A comprehensive and revealing look at the druids and their fundamental role in Celtic society that dispels many of the misconceptions about these important religious figures and their doctrine • Written by the world's leading authority on Celtic culture Druidism was one of the greatest and most exalting adventures of the human spirit, attempting to reconcile the...

The Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs

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Author; Christian Ratsch & Claudia Muller-Ebeling The most comprehensive guide to the botany, pharmacology, cultural, ritual, and personal use of erotically stimulating substances from antiquity to the present day • Details the use, preparation, and dosage of more than 400 plant, animal, mineral, and synthetic substances, both common and exotic, as well as their botany, science, and legal status • Explores the...

The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants

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Author; Christian Ratsch The most comprehensive guide to the botany, history, distribution, and cultivation of all known psychoactive plants.

The Equinox


Author; Aleister Crowley First published in Detroit in 1919, the legendary Blue Equinox was Crowley's first attempt to publicize the principles and aims of the magical secret society Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and its allied order the A.'.A.'. In it, Crowley laid out the esoteric, social, ethical, and philosophical ideas that he believed provided the framework for a new ethics...

The Faerie Queens


Author; Sorita d’Este  and David Rankine This exceptional anthology contains eighteen essays exploring the diverse accounts and themes associated with the mysterious and captivating Faerie Queens and their influence in magic, literature and folklore.  From the Arthurian mythos to Scandinavia, from ancient Greece to Renaissance poetry and beyond, the awesome power of the Faerie Queens to inspire, challenge and transform is...

The Faery Chronicles

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Author; Ann Brennan Ann Brennan is a local New Brunswick author who has just released her first full novel, she is also a customer of our shop and its been a pleasure getting to know her. :)       ________________________________________________________ The first book of The Faery Chronicles, Anglebert Crosses the Great Water, is a fast-paced adventure novel about an Irish Faery...