Rowan Berries 1 oz.


Latin name;  Sorbus aucuparia Uses; Protection, dedications, fertility, healing, grounding, luck, music, poetry, strength  - Other Folk names; Mountain Ash, Quickbane, Sorb Apple. Can be used to aid in astral travels to other realms Planet; Sun and Mercury  Element; Earth & Fire  - Locally Wildcrafted in Irishtown NB



Write up coming soon!

Sage Brush


Latin Name; Artemisia ludoviciana Common Names; White Sage Brush, Silver wormwood, Gray Sagewort, Soft Sage Known as "Sea Sage" to the locals of Eastern Canada.  It is a Native Species to Western Canada all the way down to Mexico. **This Sage Brush is local & organically grown.  Magical/Spiritual uses; Sage is used in ceremony to cleanse, protect and heal. Calls...

Sage bundle

Sold Out

These tight bundles of California White Sage are a great addition to any ritual practice. Light one and allow the fragrant smoke to carry your prayer and magic.   String color may vary.   Size 5-6'    

Sage Hydrosol 4oz.


Sage hydrosol is anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial action helps to eliminate many skin problems such as herpes zoster, chickenpox, eczema, hemorrhoids, acn, insect bites and so on.  Thanks to its favorable pH factor, it forms a protective layer that protects the skin from harmful environmental effects, making it smooth and soft to the touch. Gently tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles...

Sage Leaf 1oz.


Latin name; Salvia officinalis Uses; Immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection, wishes, removes negative energies Energy; Male Planet; Jupiter Element; Air