Purple Loosestrife


Latin Name; Lythrum salicaria Gender: Feminine Planet: Moon Element: Earth Powers: Peace, protection, harmony, accord Magical Uses: Brings about protection and peaceful energies when placed in the home. Give to a friend to help settle an argument.

Queen Anne's Lace 1oz.


Also known as Wild Carrot Write up coming soon. 

Raspberry Leaf 1oz.


Latin name; Rubus idaeus Uses; Protection, love Energy; Female Planet; Venus Element; Water

Red Cedar wood 1oz.


Latin name; Cedrus libani Uses; Protection, known as the tree of life, purification, attracts money, healing Energy; Male Planet; Sun Element; Fire   Photo provided by supplier 

Red Clover 1oz.


Latin name; Trifolium pratense Uses; aids in financial arrangements, lust potions, removes negative spirits Energy; Male Planet; Mercury Element; Air

Red Pine Needles 1/2oz.

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Write up coming soon