Horny Goat Weed 1oz.


Latin name; Epimedium Energy; Male Uses; Love drawing, aphrodisiac, sex magic, male energy - Known in many traditional Chinese practices for hundreds of years, Horny Goat Weed is a popular in modern magic for love drawing, aphrodisiac and erotic powers in Mojo bags or Gris Gris bags.

Hyssop 1oz.


Latin name; Hyssopus officinalis Uses; Purification, protection Energy; Male Planet; Jupiter Element; Fire

Irish Moss 1oz.


Latin name; Chondrus crispus Uses; Money, luck, protection - aids in bringing customers into a business  Energy; Female Planet; Moon Element; Water

Jasmine Flower 1oz.


Latin name; Jasminum officinale Uses; Love, money, prophetic dreams Energy; Female Planet; Moon Element; Water

Juniper Berries 1oz.


Latin name; Juniperus communis Uses; Protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, health Energy; Male Planet; Sun Element; Fire

Juniper Needle

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Latin Name; Juniperus communis