Author; Robert Means Lawrence This charming exploration of traditional magical lore takes, as its starting point, the magical uses and traditions of the horseshoe, tracing its significance through ancient cultures, and its association with magical traditions of horns, the moon, and the serpent – all with a central focus upon the magical work of protection. Explored also are the magical...
Author; Richard Alan Miller Aphrodisiacs--the "foods of love" that increase sexual desire and potency--fall into two classifications: biochemical, which have a direct effect on sexual activity, and the more important group whose effects are psycho physiological in nature. Richard Alan Miller provides comprehensive and detailed information on using both kinds of aphrodisiacs. • Emphasizing the powerful role of the mind on...
Author; Richard Alan Miller Richard Alan Miller has thoroughly researched the historical use, chemical structure, preparation for consumption, and magical rituals related to narcotic, hallucinogenic, stimulant, and depressant herbs. He explains how these natural substances can be used for the enhancement of sexuality, muscle relaxation and massage, initiation, spiritual growth, and astral projection. Provides a fascinating study of nineteen herbs...
Author : Gwion Raven Discover a magickal collection of lore, recipes, rituals, and practices from modern and ancient cultures of the world. The Magick of Food reveals how using food magickally can transform the mundane task of fueling your body into an opportunity for deep nourishment and connection to loved ones and the divine. This powerful book provides detailed information...
Author; Tobias Churton A comprehensive look at the life of Elias Ashmole, who represents the historic missing link between operative and symbolic Freemasonry• Explores the true role of occult and magical studies in the genesis of modern science• Explains the full meaning of the term magus, which Ashmole exemplifiedElias Ashmole (1617-1692) was the first to record a personal account of initiation...
Author; Paul Beyerl Outstanding in its completeness, The Master Book of Herbalism fulfills a need that has long been felt by students of the magickal arts. In his sincere and gentle manner, Paul brings over 15 years experience as he writes about: the medicinal use of herbs, including illustrations of plants easily found in the wild; history and religious lore...