Wide selection of Pendants, Rings, bracelets, Gemstone Jewelry and more.

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Claddagh Ring

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The Claddagh is a traditional Irish ring given which represents love, loyalty, and friendship (the hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty).     Sterling Silver

Cobra Stud

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Cobra snake stud earrings Sterling silver

Coiled Serpent Ring

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Sterling Silver 12mm Wide - Extensive Life-Like Details - The snake or serpent represents fertility and the creative life force. Because they shed their sin they represent renewal, transitions and rebirth. They also have been known to have sexual representations and believed to be guardians of divine places.

Coiled Snake Pendant

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Sterling Silver Pendant

Coiled Snake Pendant 2

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Sterling Silver Pendant

Compass Pendant

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Sterling silver approx 3/4 inch diameter