This Selenite Iceberg has been carved into a T-light Candle holder and for the most part has been left to its natural form. This is a beautiful piece for any altar, sacred space, or home and even your office. By placing Selenite where you would like it can help neutralize negative energies and to ensure a calm and peaceful environment....
Keywords: Zeste for life
Chakras: Base, Root or Third Eye
Element: Earth
Planet: Mercury
Emotional: Protective stone for those who are prone to being taken advantage of or deceived.
Spiritual: Can be used to awaken Kundalini energy. Sacred stone to some indigenous American tribes, representing the snake spirit.
Magical: Use to make yourself energetically invisible.
A large coil that expands into a spiraling design that can be used to hold small charms. Coil may come already expanded and ready for use. No cord. Silver Plated Brass. 1" wide and 1.5 high.
These coils are fantastic for gemstones