Also known as Libyan Dessert Glass or Egyptian Glass. This tektite is most famous for being on King Tutankhamun breastplate carved in the shape of a scarab beetle. Made from desert sand this tektite is known for its highly protective energy along with it being a "stone" of transformation. It can aid in strengthening personal power and will. It's Golden...
Keywords: Steadyness, Courge
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown and Solar plexus
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Emotional: Is said to help be more sure footed and grounded in difficult situations.
Spiritual: Use to tap into your inner wisdom and knowing
Folk Remedies: Can be used anywhere both clear quartz and golden tiger's eye are recommended.
Magical: Use to connect to or represent the Sun gods.
Keywords: Spirit Connection
Chakras: Crown, Higher Crown
Element: Fire
Planet: Galaxy
Emotional: Encourages empathy and compassion for others.
Spiritual: Use to help connect on a spirit level with those around you
Magical: Also called the shaman’s stone it can be used when working to connect to the spirit world, animal spirits and guides