Wide selection of Tumbled, Rough, shaped, clusters and more.

Tax included in price

Green Calcite


Green calcite is a wonderful stone for healing and magic, where it is believed to be a powerful stone of protection and grounding, that can yet help empower your energy within your spells and rituals.

Green Calcite Alien Skull


Hand carved Green Calcite Skull 212g Green calcite is a wonderful stone for healing and magic, where it is believed to be a powerful stone of protection and grounding, that can yet help empower your energy within your spells and rituals.

Green Calcite Rough


Green calcite is a wonderful stone for healing and magic, where it is believed to be a powerful stone of protection and grounding, that can yet help empower your energy within your spells and rituals. Sold by approximate weight - not stone size or count

Green Eye Agate


Write up coming soon.

Green Kyanite


Key words; Psychically connecting with nature Chakras; All Element; Storm Physical; Supports enhanced vitality through connection with nature Emotional; Aids in experiencing the natural joy of life in its essence Spiritual; Facilitates interdimensional travel to Devic, astral and causal realms

Green Kyanite Rough


Key words; Psychically connecting with nature Chakras; All Element; Storm Physical; Supports enhanced vitality through connection with nature Emotional; Aids in experiencing the natural joy of life in its essence Spiritual; Facilitates interdimensional travel to Devic, astral and causal realms