Wide selection of Tumbled, Rough, shaped, clusters and more.

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Cradle of Life (Humankind)


Write up coming soon.

Crazy Lace Agate


Write up coming soon.

Crescent Moon Golden Sheen Obsidian


Obsidian Moon in the shape of a waxing/waning crescent moon. This magical gold sheen swirling throughout, is created in nature during the cooling of the lava. Gold sheen Obsidian acts like a protective shield that will deflect negativity and from someone asserting power over us. May also assist with blocks, removing ego thoughts and align us with our highest path....

Dalmation Stone


Write up coming soon.

Dendric Agate


Key words; Growth and wisdom through inner work Chakras; All Element; Earth Spiritual; Aids in seeing oneself with honesty and clarity, encourages development of one's true self and embodiment of one's highest potential.