Key words; Psychic ability, astral travel, soothing the emotional body.
Chakras; Throat and Third Eye
Element; Fire and Air
Panet; Venus
Spiritual; Facilitates access to the creative unconscious, inspired self-expression
Key words; Psychic ability, astral travel, soothing the emotional body.
Chakras; Throat and Third Eye
Element; Fire and Air
Panet; Venus
Physical; Helps with throat problems, laryngitis, lungs and respiratory issues
Emotional; Soothes and protects the emotional body
Spiritual; Facilitates access to the creative unconscious, inspired self-expression
Key words; Inner bridges, psychic ability, past-life recall
Chakras; All
Element; Storm
Physical; Support healing of severed nerves and other neurological problems
Emotional; Aids in dissolving repeating dysfunctional emotional patterns
Spiritual; Stimulates the Third eye and psychic abilities
Key Words: Communication, Clarity, Confidence
Chakras: Throat
Element: Water
Spiritual: Helps One Communicate One's deepest truth, Enhances Communication with Inner Guides and Connection with One's Inner Wisdom
Magical; Aids in reducing household quarrels when placed in the home. Is used for peace and happiness spells/Charms.
Key Words: Communication, Clarity, Confidence Chakras: Throat Element: Water Physical: Supports Healing of Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Thyroid Problems, Speech Impediments Emotional: Calms the Emotional Body, Aids Confidence in Communication, Helpful for Releasing negative habits of Interaction and Speech Spiritual: Helps One Communicate One's deepest truth, Enhances Communication with Inner Guides and Connection with One's Inner Wisdom Magical; Aids in reducing household quarrels when placed in the home. Is used...