A wonderful reference, the Cancer zodiac poster explores the qualities of the 4th sign of the zodiac. 8 1/2" x 11".
Size: 7 5/8"h x 4 3/8"w x 4 3/8"d The two faces of the God stand back-to-back representing duality. The Leaf King, or Leaf Man, reigns Spring to Fall as the God of plenty and fruitful harvest. He is boisterous and loud, full of life, song, stories, and jokes. Carefree and thrilled to be alive, life arises wherever his staff...
Size: 7 5/8"h x 4 3/8"w x 4 3/8"dThe Triple Goddess is beautifully depicted, representing three phases of a woman's life. The Maiden emerges gently, like the Spring with the waxing crescent on her brow, full of promise, youth and vitality. Graced by the full moon, the Mother stands proud and enraptured. At the height of pregnancy, she is strong,...
Author; Richard Webster Anyone who has made a wish before blowing out birthday candles has practiced candle magic. Quick, easy, and effective, this magical art requires no religious doctrine or previous magic experience. Anyone can practice candle magic and Richard Webster shows you how to get started. Learn how to perform rituals, spells, and divinations to gain luck, love, prosperity,...
Author; Phillip Cooper Candles have been used for centuries to light the way in churches and temples, in religious ceremonies and in most religious practice. But you don't need to be a priest or priestess to use the energy radiated by candles. Cooper's book shows how to use this age-old energy to train your mind and change your life by...