Author; Claudia Muller-Ebeling An in-depth investigation of traditional European folk medicine and the healing arts of witches• Explores the outlawed “alternative” medicine of witches suppressed by the state and the Church and how these plants can be used today• Reveals that female shamanic medicine can be found in cultures all over the world• Illustrated with color and black-and-white art reproductions...
Author: The Witchcraft of Dame Darrell of York purports to be the full account of the Witchcraft practiced in medieval England in the medieval era. The account was transcribed by her nephew after her death in order to preserve all her lore and learning for future generations of witches. In truth, Dame Darrell was an imaginative recreation of how witchcraft was...
Author; Leo Ruickbie This complete history of witchcraft from Ancient Greece to the present day charts the rise and development of witchcraft and the modern witchcraft religion of Wicca. This in-depth investigation discovers how the ideas we have about witchcraft took shape thousands of years ago in the myths and religions of the ancient world. It looks at why these...
Author: Gerald B. Gardner (USED) Witchcraft Today is a book written by Gerald B. Gardner, which explores the modern revival of witchcraft and its history. The author, who is considered to be the father of modern witchcraft, presents his own experiences and observations of the practices and beliefs of witchcraft. The book covers various topics, including the origins of witchcraft,...
Author; On June 22, 1951 the last of the Witchcraft Acts was repealed in the UK. This single action would lead to the rise of what would become the global witchcraft revival movement. Despite another year marking the passing of this historical event, so much of our history still remains lost, misunderstood, or frankly made inaccessible to the magical community...
Author; Émile Grillot de Givry From raising the dead and foretelling the future to possession, curses, Kabbalah, alchemy, and more, this historical tour of the occult offers a captivating exploration of sorcery and ceremonial magic. Prepared by a noted French historian, it ventures into virtually all of the classical arts, with 375 high-quality black-and-white illustrations derived from paintings, illuminated manuscripts,...