The Wheel of the Year Poster depicting astrological signs and where they are in relations to the Sabbats. Quote from poster. As the wheel turns, Pagans celebrate eight holy days or Sabbats. Some say the Lady of fire rules spring and summer, while the Lord of Death and Resurrection rules the Fall and Winter. 8 1/2" x 11".
Hand Painted Resin Product Size: 11" x 1" x 11" The eight Sabbats form the foundation of many modern Pagan traditions.
Cold Cast Bronze Product Size: 11" x 1" x 11" The eight Sabbats form the foundation of many modern Pagan traditions.
Size: 5 5/8"h x 5 5/8"w Depicting the eight Pagan holidays or Sabbaths, the Wheel of the Year is laid out as a traditional wooden wheel. Each pie shaped section is a carved representation of a particular holiday. The Quarters: Yule, Ostara, Midsummer, and Mabon focus mainly on the movement of the sun and contain alchemical symbols for the seasons. Each...
The Wheel of the Year Smoke kit presents a collection of incense smoke hand blended by us used by us for all Sabbats of the Pagan Wheel. Each kit includes 8 individual bottles of blended loose incense. Samhain,Yule,Imbolc (Candlemas),Ostara (Spring Equinox)Beltane (May Day),Summer Solstice,Lammas (Lughnasadh,Mabon (Autumn Equinox), Includes a description of the kit and how to use the incense smoke blends...
Author: Lo Scarabeo Be inspired by the ever-turning cycle of life in this mesmerizing and vivid tarot. The Wheel of the Year Tarot ushers us through the four seasons—a passage of time marked by hope, abundance, reflection, and rebirth—and reminds us of our indelible connection to the earth. Vibrant watercolor imagery, rich in detail and symbolism, transport us to a timeless...