The Green Witch's Garden


Author; Arin Murphy-Hiscock Create your own enchanting witch’s garden and draw energy from the earth with this guide to cultivating your very own magical ingredients.A green witch embraces the power of nature, draws energy from the earth and the universe, and relies on stones, plants, flowers, and herbs for healing. In The Green Witch’s Garden, you will learn how to create...

The Green Witch's Grimoire (hc)


Author; Arin Murphy-Hiscock The author of The Green Witch, Arin Murphy-Hiscock, shows you how you can create your own green witch grimoire to record your favorite spells, recipes, rituals, and more.A grimoire is essential for any witch wanting to capture and record spells, rituals, and secret ingredients. And for a green witch, a perfect place to reflect upon the power of...

The Greenman


The Green Man " The Green Man is a symbol pre - Christian in his origins, but later adopted by Gothic carvers and placed in thousands of church's and cathedrals throughout Europe, from Ireland, Scotland to Russia." Quote from poster. Poster with history and multiple depictions of the Green Man. 8 1/2" x 11".

The Grimoire of Arthur Gautlet


Edited by; David Rankine The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet is an outstanding example of a seventeenth-century London Cunning-man's book of practice. Cunning-folk were practitioners of magic and herbal medicine who dealt with problems in their local communities. Cunning-man Arthur Gauntlet was based in Gray's Inn Lane in London, and his personal working book contains a fascinating and diverse mixture of...

The Grimoire of Lady Sheba


Lady Sheba inherited her practice of witchcraft from more than four generations of Witches. Recognizing a profound need for a new understanding of the forces of nature, she elected to publish her grimoire, a personal magickal workbook copied by hand from the time of her initiation. ―The Power: Description of the rules and requirements for     correct, effective use of...

The Guises of the Morrigan: The Irish Goddess of Sex & Battle

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Author; David Rankin & Sorita D'Este The Morrigan is probably the most powerful figure amongst the Celtic gods. The popular image of the Morrigan is as the goddess of battle and sex, a perception that only scratches the surface of this complex and manifold goddess. From bestower of sovereignty to earth goddess, from mistress of the animals to faery queen,...