Author : RJ Montgomery Many students of New Age beliefs, from Wicca to Neopaganism, creat items to assist with their work by managing energy and controlling spells. These homemade, hand-crafted materials have personal significance, beauty and practical, useful effects.
Author; Kelden The Crooked Path is a primer for readers new to the practice of Traditional Witchcraft that is rooted in British folklore and history. This book shares hands-on tips and techniques to get started on this powerful and dynamic spiritual path, including guidance on establishing a practice that is based on your own location and natural landscape. You will...
Author; P.T. Mistlberger “The present book is dedicated to the magnum opus of the unification of opposites that is necessary for deeper movement into life, the mind, and reality. The magician – the psychopomp who guides others into and through the netherworlds – has always been around, in varying degrees of quality. We walk with that figure; more, we become that figure...
Author; Gemma Gary We present Gemma Gary’s The Devil’s Dozen as a new edition, expanded and complimented with an attentive exploration of the witch’s relationship with the Old One as initiator, empowerer and liberator in history and lore, alongside additional line imagery and photography. The operations of magic and witchcraft deal with the hidden worlds of spirit and the powers...